
Discover all exhibitions and events at the Museum on May 18, 2014

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Open Engagement 2014 Conference: Life/Work

05.18.14, 10:00 am

Words on Walls: Poetry Reading & Public Projection (Outdoor Event)

05.18.14, 9:00 pm

Pedro Reyes
The People’s United Nations (pUN)

Yoandy Rizo Fiallo & Osmany Abel García Fuentes
Entre Fronteras: An Architectural Intervention

13 Most Wanted Men: Andy Warhol and the 1964 World’s Fair

04.27.14 – 09.07.14

In the foreground is a table surface with recycled, yogurt containers filled with paint, paint brushes, and a pitcher of water. In the background, the artist David Kearns, has his back turned and is painting a mural made up of trees transitioning into fall colors. The mural features a black-haired dog walking amongst the trees and a city scape in the background. The paint style is blotchy and fuzzy with details not completely made out.

David Kearns
Travels with Seamus

01.18.13 – 06.13.18

Roosevelt Island sits in the middle of the frame, with the Queensboro/Ed Kotch Bridge connecting Manhattan on the left and Queens on the right. Manhattan is densely populated with tall buildings, while this section of Queens has small housing buildings. In the back of the frame the Triboro Bridge and the Bronx are visible.

The Panorama of the City of New York

On Long-Term View

A 3D relief map of New York’s water system that was too large for the 1964 World's Fair. Now on permanent view the hilly terrain, the divets and rivers that the Catskills, Croton, and Delaware watersheds flow into are on display. Lights follow the path of aqueducts that lead to New York City.

The Relief Map of the New York City Water Supply System

On Long-Term View

A dome like spherical model with curved lattice work on the roof and a horizontal wave like structure through the middle. Jutting out from the middle of the sphere are two walkways. The base of the sphere has grass, trees and three figurines walking around.

World’s Fair Collection

On Long-Term View

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